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Analysing the Numbers

Your leaving service options explained

Leaving Service Options

On leaving an employment, you will receive Leaving Service Options relating to your pension. This form allows you elect what to do with pension you have previously accumulated in that employment. What is the most appropriate course of action will be dictated by your individual circumstances. 


There are multiple variables that will determine what course of action is best for you, and making the wrong selection can be costly and irreversible. There may be compelling reasons to separate your affairs from that of your previous employer, conversely, there may be good reasons to leave your fund where it is. Particularly detailed consideration is required where existing benefits are held in a Defined Benefit (DB) scheme, or where your previous employer is ceasing operation.

Other common considerations will include simplifying the administration of your benefits and taking control of investment choice.  


A change in employment can be a busy time and on occasion dealing with previous pension benefits can be overlooked. If you find yourself in this situation, you can take some comfort in that the passing of time will not preclude you from taking action. If you no longer have a copy of your leaving Leaving Service Options document, you are entitled to requested it from your previous employer. On occasion, we will, with our clients authority, assist in this process. Such enquiries are generally best addressed to the HR department of your previous employer.

Leaving Service Options will generally give you three options:

1) Retaining your benefits in your old employers scheme
2) Transfer the value you have built up in the existing scheme into a new structure in your own name.
3) Transfer your benefits to a pension in a new employment.

We have considerable experience in advising individuals on optimising their pension benefits. Pensions can be somewhat complex as they are based on a tapestry of inconsistent rules. Ensuring your affairs are appropriately structured will ensure you are maximising the value of your pension savings now and into the future. 


If you would like to ask us a question or book a call to discuss leaving service options or pensions in general  please enquire below or by email to

Business Partners at Work


55 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

(01) 662 9208

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